A new season and a new release

A new season and a new release

It’s Springtime here, and the sound of birds singing each and every morning serves as my morning alarm. In the afternoons, I’m excited to spot a local family of quail strolling through my yard. In the past years here, I’ve loved watching how the...
My new release is HERE!

My new release is HERE!

My new release, Thick as Thieves, is HERE! It is exclusively on Amazon as an ebook – and the paperback and audiobook versions will also be available very soon, as well. So… what’s this book about? Thick as Thieves is an Amish cozy murder mystery, set...
My new release is HERE!

Updates & Lots of Excitement!

I can barely handle the excitement! We are just days away now from the official release date of my debut novella, Thick as Thieves! You can reserve your ebook copy on Amazon here for only $.99, if you’d like –> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RV5J4XJ...